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Agust D - '어땠을까 (feat. 김종완 of NELL) (Dear my friend (feat. Kim Jong Wan of NELL) Lyrics

Agust D - '어땠을까 (feat. 김종완 of NELL) (Dear my friend (feat. Kim Jong Wan of NELL)

*Note: The Korean title of this song ('어땠을까') translates to "What would it have been like?".

[Kim Jong Wan] : 아직도 여전히

Still as ever

니가 난 그립고 또 그립네

I miss you and I miss you

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

함께한 추억이 날 맴도네

The memories we had together are all around me

어쩌면 그때 널 잡았다면

Maybe if I held you then,

아니 그때 너를 막았다면

No, if I stopped you then,

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

우리는 아직도 친구일까 어땠을까

Would we still be friends, what would it have been like?

[Suga] : Dear my friend 어떻게 지내니 넌 Dear my friend, how are you doing?

나는 뭐 잘지내 알다시피 뭐 응 I'm doing well, as you know Dear my friend 나 솔직히 말할게 Dear my friend, I'll be honest with you

난 니가 존나게 미워 아직도 I still fucking hate you much

여전히 기억해 함께였었던 지난 날 I still remember the past when we were together

대구로 함께 놀러갔었던 우리 시간과 The time we went to Daegu together

수많은 날 둘이면 세상도 무섭지 않아 Countless days, when it's the two of us, even the world isn't scary

말하던 우린 지금 전혀 딴 길을 걷지 damn

We're on a completely different path right now, damn

그때 기억나? 아 아마 신사였나 Do you remember that time? Ah maybe in Sinsa 둘이서 소주를 기울이며 나눴던 우리 대화 The conversation that the two of us had while drinking soju

세상을 씹어 먹을거라던 우리 둘의 포부 The aspirations of the two of us who said we'd eat the world

원대한 꿈을 품었었던 우리는 어렸었지 꼴랑 나이 스물이야 We used to have big dreams, we were young, we were only 20

갑작스러웠던 연락두절 A sudden loss of contact

한참이 지난 뒤 모르는 번호로 왔었던 After a long time, I got a call from an unknown number

너의 부모님의 그 짧은 전화 한통에

a short phone call from your parents

곧바로 달려가 봤지 I ran right over

서울구치소 안양은 너무 멀었지

Seoul Detention Center, Anyang is so far away

[Kim Jong Wan] : 아직도 여전히

Still as ever

니가 난 그립고 또 그립네

I miss you and I miss you

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

함께한 추억이 날 맴도네

The memories we had together are all around me

어쩌면 그때 널 잡았다면

Maybe if I held you then,

아니 그때 너를 막았다면

No, if I stopped you then,

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

우리는 아직도 친구일까 어땠을까

Would we still be friends, what would it have been like?

[Suga] : 니가 변한건지 아니면 내가 변한건지 uh Have you changed? Or have I changed? uh

흐르는 시간 조차 미워 우리가 변한거지 뭐 I hate even the passing time. We've changed

야 니가 밉다 야 니가 싫다 Hey, I hate you, hey, I hate you

야 이 말을 하는 이 순간 조차 난 니가 그립다 Hey, even at this moment as I say this, I miss you

매주 갔었던 서울구치소 면회길 I went to the Seoul Detention Center every week

왕복 세시간쯤 됐었던 먼길을 혼자서 나섰지 I went out on my own a long way that was about three hours back and forth

너의 재판날과 너의 출소날 The day of your trial and the day of your release

눈이 펑펑오던 겨울 흰 두부 똑똑히 기억나 I clearly remember the snowy winter day and white tofu

그리고 간만에 본 넌 전혀 딴 사람이 돼버렸고 And, having not seen you in awhile, you've become a completely different person

눈이 풀린 채 넌 말했지 을 해볼 생각이 없냐구 You said with drowsy eyes "don't you want to try it?" 난 화가났고 또 욕을 했네 I was angry and cursed again

유일한 친구였던 너를 되돌릴 방법은 없고 너는 괴물이 돼버렸네 There's no way to turn you, my only friend, back, you've become a monster

내가 알던 넌 없고 널 알던 난 없어 There's no you that I used to know and there's no me that used to know you

우리가 변한건 비단 시간 때문이 아닌걸 난 알아 I know we didn't only change because of time 니가 알았던 난 없고 내가 알았던 넌 없어 There's no me you knew, and there's no you I knew

우리가 변한건 비단 시간 때문이 아닌 걸 덧없어

It's not just because of time that we've changed, it's all transient

[Kim Jong Wan] : 아직도 여전히

Still as ever

니가 난 그립고 또 그립네

I miss you and I miss you

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

함께한 추억이 날 맴도네

The memories we had together are all around me

어쩌면 그때 널 잡았다면

Maybe if I held you then,

아니 그때 너를 막았다면

No, if I stopped you then,

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

우리는 아직도 친구일까 어땠을까

Would we still be friends, what would it have been like?

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

니가 난 그립고 또 그립네

I miss you and I miss you

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

함께한 추억이 날 맴도네

The memories we had together are all around me

어쩌면 그때 널 잡았다면

Maybe if I held you then,

아니 그때 너를 막았다면

No, if I stopped you then,

아직도 여전히

Still as ever

우리는 아직도 친구일까 어땠을까

Would we still be friends, what would it have been like?


What would it have been like?

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