JK of BTS - '이런 엔딩 (This kind of ending)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
*Note: there's a second version of this on SoundCloud (이런 엔딩 Ver2 By JK of BTS), but they have the same lyrics.
[Jungkook] : 안녕, 오랜만이야
Hi, long time no see
물음표 없이 참 너다운 목소리
Your voice without a question mark
정해진 규칙처럼
Like a fixed rule
추운 문가에 늘 똑같은 네 자리
Your place by the cold entrance is always the same
제대로 잘 먹어, 다 지나가니까
Make sure to eat well, because this all will pass
예전처럼 잠도 잘 자게 될 거야
You'll be able to sleep as well as before
진심으로 빌게
I sincerely hope, from the bottom of my heart
너는 더 행복할 자격이 있어
You deserve to be happier
그런 말은 하지 마 제발
Don't say those words please
그 말이 더 아픈 거 알잖아
You know those words hurt more
사랑해줄 거라며, 다 뭐야?
You said you'd love me, what's all this?
어떤 맘을 준 건지 너는 모를 거야
You don't know what kind of heart I gave you
외로웠던 만큼
As much as I was lonely,
너를 너보다 사랑해줄 사람 꼭 만났으면 해
I hope you meet someone who will love you more than you loved me
내가 아니라서 미안해
I'm sorry it's not me
주는 게 쉽지가 않아
Giving isn't easy
그런 말은 하지 마 제발
Don't say those words please
그 말이 더 아픈 거 알잖아
You know those words hurt more
사랑해줄 거라며, 다 뭐야?
You said you'd love me, what's all this?
어떤 맘을 준 건지 너는 모를 거야
You don't know what kind of heart I gave you
솔직히 말해줄래 제발?
Tell me honestly please
너라면 다 믿는 거 알잖아
You know I believe everything you say
네 말대로 언젠가
Someday, like you said,
나도 나 같은 누군가에게 사랑받게 될까?
Will I too be loved by someone like me?
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