지민 (Jimin) 'Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco)' Official Track Video | Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco) YouTube Jimin - Topic | Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco) - Single by Jimin, Loco (Spotify) | Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco) - Single by Jimin, Loco (Apple Music)
지민 (Jimin) - 'Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. Loco)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jimin] : Say, "Oh"
여러분을 위한 harmony
Harmony for all of you
Oh, say, "Love"
자 이제 소개할게
Now, let me introduce
시작된 건 6월 12일
It all started on June 12th
행복을 선물해 매일
Gifting you happiness every day
Say, "Oh" (Let's talk about us)
전하지 못한 말
Words we couldn't convey
숨겨왔던 너의 맘
Your hidden feelings
다 전해줄 거야 (Just for you)
I will tell you everything (Just for you)
더는 고민하지 마
Don't worry anymore
우리가 함께니까
Because we are together
솔직해져 봐 (Let's go)
Let's be honest (Let's go)
Ooh, I love you, babe
다가갈게 너에게
I will come closer to you
I love you, babe (Yes, Sir)
Ooh, I want you, babe
I wanna hold your hand
I want you, babe
[Loco] : Yeah, uh-huh
반대로 fade away 매일이 새롭게
The other way fade away, every day is new
이름 부를 테니 너는 피어나기만 해줘
I will call your name, so just bloom
우리가 맞춰 jam 해 느낀 대로 계속해
Let's jam together, keep going as we feel
바로 앞에서 말 못 해도 널 위해서 made a band
Even if I can't say it right in front of you, I made a band for you
I've been looking for love
Just for you
빨라지는 속도
Speeding up
난 못 멈춰 (Can't stop)
I can't stop (Can't stop)
날짜도 없이 하루 종일
Without a date, all day long
머리 위에 네가 떠 있어
You float above my head
혹시라도 손 대면
If by any chance we touch
난 톡 하고 터져버릴 듯이
I feel like I might just burst
커져 love (Let's talk about us)
Growing love (Let's talk about us)
[Jimin] : 눈부신 하늘과
The dazzling sky
흩날리는 꽃들도
And the fluttering flowers
함께할 거야 (All for you)
Will be together (All for you)
So tell me how you feel
그저 느낀 그대로
Just as you feel
너를 맡겨봐 (Let's go)
Leave yourself to it (Let's go)
Ooh, I love you, babe
다가갈게 너에게
I will come closer to you
I love you, babe (Yes, Sir)
Ooh, I want you, babe
I wanna hold your hand
I want you, babe (Take it to the bridge)
막이 오르고 조명이 켜지면
When the curtain rises and the lights turn on
모두가 제자리에
Everyone is in their place
Turn up the music
준비된 것 같아
I think we're ready
시작할게 one, two
Let's start, one, two
손 머리 위로
Hands up in the air
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
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