진 (Jin) 'Another Level' Lyrics (With English Translation)
[Jin] : Stay 숨결조차 닿지 않던 나의 미로 stage
Stay, my maze-like stage untouched even by breath
쳇바퀴에 갇혀버린 days
Days trapped in a hamster wheel
한계 없이 닿는 대로 힘껏 도약해
Leap with all my might, reaching beyond limits
끝을 향해 불태워내
Burning toward the end
I will keep on fighting
끝도 없이 몰아쳐도 멈추지 않아
Even if I'm relentlessly pushed, I won't stop
(Nobody can stop me)
거친 그 비바람 더 불어도
Even if the fierce wind and rain blow harder
한 걸음 내디뎌가
I'll take one step forward
Don't be scared
나 때론 무너져도
Even if I collapse sometimes
한 걸음
One step
(We'll bounce back and hit, bounce back and hit)
나 이제
Now, I
저 빛을 향해서 걸어
Walk toward that light
한 발 더
One step more
(We'll bounce back and hit another level)
새벽은 저 멀리, 긴긴 날을 견뎌
Dawn is far away; I endure the long, long days
밤을 지새운 해는 끝없이 번져가
The sun that stayed up all night spreads endlessly
I will keep on fighting
끝도 없이 몰아쳐도 멈추지 않아
Even if I'm relentlessly pushed, I won't stop
(Nobody can stop me)
거친 그 비바람 더 불어도
Even if the fierce wind and rain blow harder
한 걸음 내디뎌가
I'll take one step forward
Don't be scared
나 때론 무너져도
Even if I collapse sometimes
한 걸음
One step
(We'll bounce back and hit, bounce back and hit)
나 이제
Now, I
저 빛을 향해서 걸어
Walk toward that light
한 발 더
One step more
(We'll bounce back and hit another level)
(We'll bounce back and hit, bounce back and hit)
한 발 더
One step more
(We'll bounce back and hit another level)
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