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진 (Jin) ‘Close to You’ Lyrics

진 (Jin) ‘Close to You’ Lyrics (With English Translation)

Under the stars, closing my eyes

Hearing your voice, in silence

I just can't deny it

Think I'm drawn to you

수없이 많은 별들 그 뒤로

Beyond countless stars

까마득한 낮선하늘

A faraway unfamiliar sky

어린날에 만났던 어느 동화 속의 이야기 같아

Like a story from some fairy tale I encountered in my childhood

또 난, 깊은 시간속을 헤엄쳐

Once again, I swim through the depths of time,

끝 없이 펼쳐진 이곳

In this place that stretches on endlessly

Just to get close to you

The brightest one in my universe

부서지는 시간속에

In the breaking (or shattering) time

단 하나의 빛나는 기억

A single shining memory

Just to get close to you

I'm still here

Asking the stars, every night

To take me where you are

No matter how long it takes

No matter how far you are


The things that once seemed ordinary,

의미들마저 달라져

Even their meanings have changed

난 하루종일 네가 궁금해져

All day long, I find myself wondering about you

나를 모두 던져 버튼을 누르면

If I threw everything I am and pressed the button,

그 시간속의 널 볼 수 있을까

Would I be able to see you in that moment in time?

또 난, 깊은 시간속을 헤엄쳐

Once again, I swim through the depths of time,

끝 없이 펼쳐진 이곳

In this place that stretches on endlessly

Just to get close to you

The brightest one in my universe

부서지는 시간속에

In the breaking (or shattering) time

단 하나의 빛나는 기억

A single shining memory

Just to get close to you

I'm still

(Just to get closе to you, just wanna see your eyes)

Just want to step into your own fairy talе

(Just to get close to you, to you)

You'll always be the one I dream, I dream of

(Just to get close to you, just wanna see your eyes)

I'll tell you when you sleep my heart is full

(Just to get close to you)

Of you, of you, of you

(Just to get close to you)

끝을 알수 없어 잠시 헤메이던

Unable to know the end, I was lost for a moment

(Just wanna see your eyes)

네 머무는곳 어딘가

The place where you stay

(Just to get close to you, to you)

힘껏 차올라 날아 갈 수 있다면

If I could rise up with all my strength and fly

(Just to get close to you)

저만치 잡을수 없던 마음들도

Even the feelings I couldn’t grasp from that distance

(Just wanna see your eyes)

이 우주를 돌고돌아 결국

Going around and around this universe, in the end

(Just to get close to you)

Just to get close to you

I'm still here

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