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진 (Jin) 'I will come to you' ('그리움에') Lyrics

진 (Jin) 'I will come to you' ('그리움에') Lyrics (With English Translation)

*Note: The Korean title of this song is '그리움에', meaning “in longing” or “due to longing/yearning.” The English title reflects other lyrics in the song.

[Jin] : 흰 눈이 내리던 날

On the day when white snow fell,

너의 곁을 떠난 날

The day I left your side,

하루에도 수백 번씩

Hundreds of times every day,

매일 끄적인 그 말

The words I wrote every day,

너무 그리워

I miss you so much,

나를 안아줘

Hug me,

아름다운 기억에 잠겨

Lost in beautiful memories,

오늘도 웃으며 잠들길

I hope I fall asleep with a smile today too,

따뜻한 봄바람 불 때쯤

When the warm spring breeze blows,

너에게 너에게 갈게

I’ll go to you, to you,

약속해 너에게 갈게

I promise, I’ll go to you,

추억도 그리움도

Memories and longing,

담긴 나의 그림

Are captured in my picture,

지나간 시간 속에

In the passing time,

남은 단 하나의 색

The one color that remains,

캄캄한 길 위에

On the dark road,

한 줄기 빛 그대여

A ray of light, you

아름다운 기억에 잠겨

Lost in beautiful memories,

오늘도 웃으며 잠들길

I hope I fall asleep with a smile today,

따뜻한 봄바람 불 때쯤

When the warm spring breeze blows,

너에게 너에게 갈게

I’ll go to you, to you,

약속해 너에게 갈게

I promise, I’ll go to you,

그리움에 잠시 떠나있어도

Even if I’m briefly lost in longing,

약속해 I will come to you

I promise, I will come to you

If you need me, I will come to you

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