Agust D - '치리사일사팔 (724148)' Lyrics (With English Translation)
*The title of this song refers to a combination of bus numbers (#724, #148) Suga rode to school, the former in Daegu and the latter in Seoul.
[Suga] : 음악 한다고 깝친지 몇 년 지나지 않아 It hasn't been many years since I messed around, saying I was going to do music
대구에서 음악하면 잘되봤자 음악학원 원장이나 하겠지 "If I do music in Daegu, at best I'd direct a music academy"
란 생각이 날 빡때려 That thought hit me hard 어차피 한번 사는 인생 뭐든 일등 한번 해봐야지
You only live once, I should be first at something in life at least once 공부론 못하던 일등 I could never be first place at studying
음악으론 할 것 같았어 I thought I could do it with music
주위에선 십중 팔구
Around me, nine out of ten said
이 새끼 또 지랄병이 도졌네 도졌어 "This bastard has gone crazy again"
좆까 새꺄 잘 봐봐 니네는 또 졌어
Fuck you bastards. Watch carefully, you lost again
여튼 좀 더 폼나게 음악 하려거든 일단 대구를 떠나야겠다는 생각 uh Anyway, I thought if I wanted to make music with more style, I had to leave Daegu first
빡빡이 고딩의 힘찬 발걸음 한 오디션 포스터 앞에 fade out
In front of the audition poster, a shaved head high school student's energetic steps fade out
방시혁이 개최한 랩 대회 라네요 It's a rap competition hosted by Bang Sihyuk
방시혁이라면 그 백지영 그 아 아 It's Bang Sihyuk, Baek Jiyoung... ah 총맞은 것처럼 쓴 사람 아뇨 형님 Isn't that who wrote "Like being shot by a bullet", hyung-nim
그래서 크루 형들과 대횔 나가게 됐지
That's how I went to the competition with the crew hyungs
일단 결선에 가려면 예선을 통과 하라네 First, you have to go through the preliminaries to go to the final round
ok 그 정돈 밥이지 뭐 Okay, that's just basics
랩 하라고 줬던 비트를 싹 다 갈아 엎은 뒤 After changing all the beats that they gave me to rap, 편곡을 하기 시작했어
I started rearranging the beat 봐라 어떤 이가 이렇게 하겠어 Look, who else would've done it like that?
니네가 나라면 이렇게 했겠어?
If you were me, would you do that?
그 어떤 회사가 말야 응? What kind of company would, huh?
이런 천재를 싫다고 하겠어
say they wouldn't like this genius
회사 입장에선 yo 복이 굴러온 거지 From the company's point of view, yo, luck coming their way
막연한 믿음 그게 내 성공의 본거지 A vague belief, that's the origin of my success
지난 일이라 얘기하는데 예선 다음날 It's in the past, but the day after the preliminary round
전화 한 통이 왔어 지역번호는 02
I got a call. Area code was 02
*Seoul area code.
2010년 11월 7일 서울 입성 Entered Seoul on November 7, 2010
강남도 별거 없네 "Gangnam's nothing special"
대구 촌놈의 기선 제압
A Daegu hillbilly's head start
그 날 저녁은 쿨하게 사먹었지 That day I cooly bought myself dinner
what the fuck 계산서에 눈이 돌아갔지 What the fuck, the bill made my eyes roll
한달 생활비는 고작 30 shit My monthly budget was only 300,000 won shit 택도 없는 돈이란 걸 누구 보다 알기에 I knew better than anyone else that this was nowhere near enough
시작했던 새벽 알바 uh So I started working a part-time job in the early morning
때문에 등교시간은 매번 달라 uh Because of this, the time I went to school was different every time, uh
학교를 가면 다 돈 많은 집 자식들 When I went to school, all the kids were from rich families
내 한달 생활비 몇 배를 술값에 쳐박어 They spent a few times as much as my monthly budget on alcohol 그리곤 시발 뭐 뭐? 돈 없다던 가식들 And they fucking said what, what? They pretended they had no money shut the fuck up 새꺄 너 아가리 쳐 닫어
Shut the fuck up, bastard, shut your fucking mouth
성공이 궁해? no 난 그냥 돈이 궁해 Are you hungry for success? No, I'm just hungry for money
폼나게란 말도 잊혀진 지가 오래 It's been a long time since I forgot the word "stylish" 밤에는 연습하고 새벽엔 알바하고 Practicing at night and working part time at dawn
그렇게 지친 몸 끌고 학교로 가면 잠만 자던 Dragging my tired body to school only to sleep
내가 20살이 되 버렸네 I became 20 years old
졸업실 풍경은 썩 구리네
The graduation scene was pretty shitty
밤새 도박하던 그 새끼들? The bastards who gambled all night?
졸업선물로 외제찰 끄네
They drive foreign cars they got as a graduation present
그건 좀 부럽네 I'm a bit jealous of that
부럽네 썅 I'm jealous, shit
세상은 불공평 하단 걸 진작 알았지만
I already knew the world was unfair
누군 십오평짜리 투룸에 열 댓 명이 같이 사는데 But when some of use are living a dozen people in a 15 pyeong two room apartment 누군 폼나게 졸업하자마자 외제찰 끄네
Someone's driving foreign cars as soon as they graduate
ok ok ok 두고 봐 Okay, okay, okay. You'll see
데뷔는 하겠냔 말 두고가 Leave your opinion, "will you even get to debut"
일년 뒤에 봐봐 새꺄 내가 뭘 하는지 In a year, look bastard, at what I'll be doing
넌 그제서야 tv 보고 연락하겠지
Then you'll watch me on TV and call me
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